Scatter: draw points on a Figure#
A Scatter draw is a figure that plots points in an orthogonal frame, without any curve to link them. As an example a transparent curve from the previous Graph2D where points are shown is like a Scatter drawing.
How to draw a Scatter ?#
Import the required packages
# Required packages
import random
import plot_data.core as pld
from plot_data.colors import BLUE, RED, GREEN, BLACK
Create Data
In order to draw a Scatter plot with random values, build a random vector of samples (stored as Python dict) with different attributes. Here three attributes (mass, length and speed) have been set for the samples to carry more information than just their coordinates in the Scatter plot:
# Vector construction
elements = []
for i in range(500):
elements.append({'mass': random.uniform(0, 10),
'length': random.uniform(0, 100),
'speed': random.uniform(0, 3.6)})
Add meta-data on samples
Some additional information can be added on points thanks to tooltips. They can be displayed by clicking on the point of interest. Here, the tooltip is directly created as an independent object that will be used in next steps, while creating the figure to draw the previously built data.
For the scatter example, some point sets are defined (PointFamily object, where a sample is in a set if this set contains its index in vector elements).
# Attributes to show in tooltip
shown_attributes = ["mass", "length", "speed"]
# Tooltip creation
tooltip = pld.Tooltip(attributes=shown_attributes)
# Points sets declaration
points_sets = [
pld.PointFamily(RED, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
pld.PointFamily(BLUE, [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19])
Set styles for points, curves and axes
Styles for points and axes can be customized with the user’s preferences.
# Points style
point_style = pld.PointStyle(color_fill=GREEN,
# Axis style
## Text style
graduation_style = pld.TextStyle(
## Axis edge style
axis_style = pld.EdgeStyle(
# Axes ticks number and styles
axis = pld.Axis(
nb_points_x=7, nb_points_y=5,
Build the Scatter object and draw it in a web browser
scatter = pld.Scatter(
Once done, the figure can be displayed with the following command line :
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=scatter, canvas_id='my_scatter')
Scatter features#
Points used to build the curve can be merged by clicking on Merge Points button,
The figure can be scaled with mouse wheel or by clicking on Zoom Box, Zoom+ and Zoom- buttons,
Points can be displayed in log scales by clicking on Log Scale button,
One can select points with a selection window by keeping pressed the Shift key,
One can select several points with several mouse click by keeping pressed Ctrl key,
One can reset the view by pressing Ctrl + Space,
One can reset the whole figure by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Left Click.
How to write a function to draw a Scatter for an object ?#
As a concrete example, the influence of the pendulum’s period on its maximum speed can be studied by drawing a scatter plot of the pendulum’s maximum speed against its period.
First, add methods to pendulum to compute some insightful values to draw on a scatter plot. Here, we compute the speed over time and its maximum value.
# To add to the pendulum class
def get_speed(self):
speed = npy.array(self.coords)[1:, :] - npy.array(self.coords)[:-1, :]
return npy.linalg.norm(speed, ord=2, axis=1) / self.time_step
def max_speed(self):
return npy.max(self.get_speed())
Then write a function to draw speed against period in a Scatter plot
In the following code lines, point_style , axis_style and axis properties are customized and tooltip is specified so that only relevant information are drawn in tooltips when points are clicked.
def scatter_speed_period(pendulum_doe: PendulumDOE, reference_path: str = "#"):
tooltip = pld.Tooltip(["length", "g"])
elements = [
{"period": pendulum.period,
"speed": pendulum.max_speed,
"length": pendulum.length,
"g": pendulum.g} for pendulum in pendulum_doe.dessia_objects]
# Point Style
point_style = pld.PointStyle(
color_fill=Color(0, 1, 1),
color_stroke=Color(0, 0, 0),
shape="triangle", # square, circle, mark, cross, halfline
orientation="down" # up, left, right
# Axis edge style
axis_style = pld.EdgeStyle(
axis = pld.Axis(
nb_points_x=10, nb_points_y=15,
return pld.Scatter(x_variable="period", y_variable="speed",
elements=elements, tooltip=tooltip,
point_style=point_style, axis=axis)
Run the function to draw the Scatter plot in a web browser
With such plot the user can pick the best solutions considering its performances criteria.
scatter = scatter_speed_period(pendulum_doe)
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=scatter, filepath="section_2_3_speed_period")
How to add a method to draw a Scatter within a DessiaObject ?#
For the pendulum example, the previous Scatter plot can be added to the PendulumDOE class by simply changing the previous function into a PendulumDOE method. As for Graph2D, a decorator @plot_data_view is added for a future platform usage. Furthermore, for the sake of simplicity, plot customization is removed:
# To add to PendulumDOE class
def scatter_speed_period(self, reference_path: str = "#"):
tooltip = pld.Tooltip(["length", "g"])
elements = [
{"period": pendulum.period, "speed": pendulum.max_speed, "length": pendulum.length, "g": pendulum.g}
for pendulum in self.dessia_objects]
return pld.Scatter(x_variable="period", y_variable="speed", elements=elements, tooltip=tooltip)
To draw this scatter in a web browser, run the following code lines:
scatter_self = pendulum_doe.scatter_speed_period()
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=scatter_self, canvas_id='my_scatter')