PlotData Documentation#
PlotData is a Python web library that allows to draw data with several kinds of layouts such as scatters, histograms, graphs,…
This tutorial teaches how to use it for working with Dessia framework, to draw insightful figures to take well informed decisions.
In this tutorial, all available features are explained and presented in simple examples, exhibited both on standalone mode and in Dessia Platform context:
If the reader is interested in how to use PlotData in Python IDE, please refer to 2 - Draw data with PlotData.
If the reader is interested in how to post treat workflow results in Dessia platform, please refer to 3 - PlotData on Dessia’s Platform.
Getting Started
New to PlotData? Learn here about drawing graph.
Using PlotData with Dessia’s platform
Integrate your PlotData drawings to the platform.