
Definition of language and plots

class plot_data.core.Arc2D(cx: float, cy: float, r: float, start_angle: float, end_angle: float, clockwise: bool | None = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', tooltip: str | None = None, interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

A class for drawing arcs. Arc2D is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup. By default, the arc is drawn anticlockwise.

  • cx (float) – the arc center’s x position

  • cy (float) – the arc center’s y position

  • r (float) – radius

  • start_angle (float) – the start angle in radian

  • end_angle (float) – the end angle in radian

  • data (List[dict]) – a list of relevant points for drawing an arc using BSPline method. This argument is useless unless the arc2D is part of a Contour2D. In such case, the arc must be instantiated by volmdlr.

  • clockwise (bool) – True if you want the arc the be drawn clockwise, False otherwise

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – for customization


Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D.

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.


Get lists of points in a merged list.

class plot_data.core.Attribute(type_: str, name: str)[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

Represents an attribute.

  • type – The attribute’s type (in that case, values are either ‘float’, ‘color’ or ‘string’)

  • name – The attribute’s name

class plot_data.core.Axis(nb_points_x: int | None = None, nb_points_y: int | None = None, graduation_style: TextStyle | None = None, axis_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, arrow_on: bool = False, grid_on: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

A class that contains information for drawing axis.

  • nb_points_x (int) – the average number of points displayed on the x-axis.

  • nb_points_y (int) – the average number of points displayed on the y-axis.

  • graduation_style (TextStyle) – for graduation customization

  • axis_style (EdgeStyle) – for customizing the axis itself.

  • arrow_on (bool) – True if you want an arrow to be displayed on axis, False otherwise.

  • grid_on (bool) – True if you want the display a grid, False otherwise

class plot_data.core.Circle2D(cx: float, cy: float, r: float, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, tooltip: str | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

A circle. It is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup.

  • cx (float) – the center’s x position.

  • cy (float) – the center’s y position

  • r (float) – radius

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – customization of the circle’s contour

  • surface_style (SurfaceStyle) – customization of the circle’s interior

  • tooltip (str) – tooltip message


Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D.

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.

class plot_data.core.Contour2D(plot_data_primitives: List[Arc2D | LineSegment2D], edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, tooltip: str | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

A Contour2D is a closed polygon that is formed by multiple primitives.

  • plot_data_primitives (List[Union[Arc2D, LineSegment2D]]) – a list of primitives (Arc2D, LineSegment2D)

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – for contour’s customization

  • surface_style (SurfaceStyle) – for customizing the interior of the contour

  • tooltip (str) – A message that is displayed in a tooltip


Get 2D bounding box of current Contour2D.

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.


Get lists of points in a merged list.

class plot_data.core.Dataset(elements: List[Sample] | None = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, tooltip: Tooltip | None = None, point_style: PointStyle | None = None, partial_points: bool | None = None, display_step: int = 1, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

Numerous points are joined by line segments to display a mathematical curve.

Datasets are instantiated by Graph2D to display multiple datasets on one canvas.

  • elements (List[dict]) – A list of vectors. Vectors must have the same attributes (ie the same keys)

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – for customizing line segments.

  • point_style (PointStyle) – for customizing points

  • tooltip (Tooltip) – an object containing all information for drawing tooltips

  • display_step (int) – a value that limits the number of points displayed.

  • attribute_names ([str, str]) – [attribute_x, attribute_y] where attribute_x is the attribute displayed on x-axis and attribute_y is the attribute displayed on y-axis.

attribute_names = None#
class plot_data.core.EdgeStyle(line_width: float | None = None, color_stroke: Color | None = None, dashline: List[int] | None = None, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

A class for customizing edges (such as lines) style.

  • line_width (float) – line width in pixels.

  • color_stroke (plot_data.Colors.Color) – the edge’s color (rgb255).

  • dashline (List[float]) – a list of positive floats [a1,…,an] representing a pattern where a_2i is the number of solid pixels and a_2i+1 is the number of empty pixels.


Get matplotlib equivalent values of attributes.

class plot_data.core.Figure(type_: str, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

Abstract interface for handling html exportable objects in module.

plot(filepath: str | None = None, **kwargs)[source]#

Generic plot getting plot_data function to plot.


Base plot_data method. Overwrite this to display 2D or graphs on platform.

Should return a list of plot_data’s objects.

property template#

Get html template of current Figure object.

to_html(filepath: str | None = None, local: bool = False, canvas_id: str = 'canvas', version: str | None = None)[source]#

Export current Figure to an HTML file given by the filepath.

to_html_stream(stream, local: bool = False, canvas_id: str = 'canvas', version: str | None = None)[source]#

Export current Figure to its equivalent html stream file.

class plot_data.core.Graph2D(graphs: List[Dataset], x_variable: str, y_variable: str, axis: Axis | None = None, log_scale_x: bool | None = None, log_scale_y: bool | None = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

Takes one or several Datasets as input and displays them all in one canvas.

  • graphs (List[Dataset]) – a list of Datasets

  • x_variable (str) – variable that you want to display on x axis

  • y_variable (str) – variable that you want to display on y axis

  • axis (Axis) – an object containing all information needed for drawing axis

  • log_scale_x (bool) – True or False

  • log_scale_y (bool) – True or False

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.

class plot_data.core.HatchingSet(stroke_width: float = 1, hatch_spacing: float = 10, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

A class for setting hatchings on a surface.

  • stroke_width (float) – lines’ width

  • hatch_spacing (float) – the spacing between two hatching in pixels

class plot_data.core.Heatmap(size: Tuple[int, int] | None = None, colors: List[Color] | None = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

Heatmap is a scatter plot’s view. This class contains the Heatmap’s parameters.

  • size (Tuple[int, int]) – A tuple of two integers corresponding to the number of squares on the horizontal and vertical sides.

  • colors – The list of colors ranging from low density to high density, e.g.

colors=[plot_data.colors.BLUE, plot_data.colors.RED] so the low density areas tend to be blue while higher density areas tend to be red. :type colors: List[Colors] :param edge_style: The areas separating lines settings :type edge_style: EdgeStyle

class plot_data.core.Histogram(x_variable: str, elements=None, axis: Axis | None = None, graduation_nb: float | None = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

The Histogram object. This class can be instantiated in Multiplot.

  • x_variable (str) – The name of x variable

  • elements (list(dict)) – A list of vectors.

  • axis (Axis) – axis style customization. The number of points cannot be changed for a histogram

  • graduation_nb (float) – the number of graduations on the x axis. Default = 6. This parameter doesn’t make sense for a non float x axis.

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – histogram rectangles edge style

  • surface_style (SurfaceStyle) – histogram rectangle surface style

class plot_data.core.Label(title: str, text_style: TextStyle | None = None, rectangle_surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, rectangle_edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, shape: PlotDataObject | None = None, interactive: bool = False, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

An object that adds a label to PrimitiveGroups.

  • title (str) – the text displayed in the label

  • text_style (TextStyle) – customizing the text

  • rectangle_surface_style (SurfaceStyle) – the label’s rectangle interior customization

  • rectangle_edge_style (EdgeStyle) – the label’s rectangle edge customization

class plot_data.core.Line2D(point1: List[float], point2: List[float], edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', tooltip: str | None = None, interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

An infinite line. Line2D is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroups.

  • point1 (List[float]) – first endpoint of the line segment [x1, y1].

  • point2 (List[float]) – first endpoint of the line segment [x2, y2].

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – for customization

mpl_plot(ax=None, edge_style=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.

class plot_data.core.LineSegment2D(point1: List[float], point2: List[float], edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', tooltip: str | None = None, interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

A line segment. This is a primitive that can be called by PrimitiveGroup.

  • point1 (List[float]) – first endpoint of the line segment [x1, y1].

  • point2 (List[float]) – first endpoint of the line segment [x2, y2].

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – for customization


Get 2D bounding box of current LineSegment2D.

mpl_plot(ax=None, edge_style=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.


Get lists of points in a merged list.

class plot_data.core.MultipleLabels(labels: List[Label], interactive: bool = False, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

Draws one or several labels. MultipleLabels can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup.


labels (List[Label]) – a list of Labels

class plot_data.core.MultiplePlots(plots: List[PlotDataObject], sizes: List[Window] | None = None, elements: List[Sample] | None = None, coords: List[Tuple[float, float]] | None = None, point_families: List[PointFamily] | None = None, initial_view_on: bool | None = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

A class for drawing multiple PlotDataObjects (except MultiplePlots) in one canvas.

  • plots – a list of plots (Scatter, ParallelPlot, PrimitiveGroup, PrimitiveGroupContainer, Graph2D)

  • sizes – [size0,…,size_n] where size_i = [width_i, length_i] is the size of plots[i]

  • elements – a list of vectors. All vectors must have the same attributes (ie the same keys)

  • coords – same as sizes but for plots’ coordinates.

  • point_families – a list of point families

  • initial_view_on – True for enabling initial layout, False otherwise

class plot_data.core.ParallelPlot(elements: List[Sample] | None = None, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, disposition: str | None = None, axes: List[str] | None = None, rgbs: List[Tuple[int, int, int]] | None = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

Draws a parallel coordinates plot.

  • elements – a list of vectors. Vectors must have the same attributes (ie the same keys)

  • edge_style – for customizing lines

  • disposition – either ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’ depending on how you want the initial disposition to be.

  • axes – a list on attribute names you want to display as axis on this parallel plot.

  • rgbs – a list of rgb255 colors for color interpolation. Color interpolation is enabled when clicking on an axis.

class plot_data.core.PlotDataObject(type_: str, name: str = '', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

Abstract interface for DessiaObject implementation in module.

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Overloading of dessia object mpl_plot.

to_dict(**kwargs) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Redefines DessiaObject’s to_dict() in order not to use pointers and remove keys where value is None.

class plot_data.core.Point2D(cx: float, cy: float, point_style: PointStyle | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', tooltip: str | None = None, interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

A class for instantiating a point.

  • cx (float) – the point center’s x position

  • cy (float) – the point center’s y position

  • point_style (PointStyle) – the point’s customization.


Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D.

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.

class plot_data.core.PointFamily(point_color: str, point_index: List[int], name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

A class that defines a point family. This class can be used in MultiplePlots to create families of points.

  • point_color – a color that is proper to this family (rgb255)

  • point_index – a list containing the point’s index from MultiplePlots.elements

class plot_data.core.PointStyle(color_fill: str | None = None, color_stroke: str | None = None, stroke_width: float | None = None, size: float | None = None, shape: str | None = None, orientation: str | None = None, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

A class for customizing Point2D.

  • color_fill (str) – must be in rgb255.

  • color_stroke (str) – must be in rgb255.

  • stroke_width (float) – the point contour’s width.

  • size (float) – must be 1, 2, 3 or 4.

  • shape (str) – ‘circle’, ‘square’ or ‘crux’.

classmethod dict_to_object(dict_, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Overwrite generic dict_to_object.


Get matplotlib equivalent values of attributes.

class plot_data.core.PrimitiveGroup(primitives: List[Contour2D | Arc2D | LineSegment2D | Circle2D | Line2D | MultipleLabels | Wire | Point2D], width: int = 750, height: int = 400, attribute_names: List[str] | None = None, axis_on: bool = False, interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

A class for drawing multiple primitives and contours inside a canvas.


primitives (List[Union[Contour2D, Arc2D, LineSegment2D, Circle2D, Line2D, MultipleLabels, Wire, Point2D]]) – a list of Contour2D, Arc2D, LineSegment2D, Circle2D, Line2D or MultipleLabels


Get 2D bounding box of current PrimitiveGroup.

mpl_plot(ax=None, equal_aspect=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.

save_to_image(filepath, remove_axis=True)[source]#

Save PrimitiveGroup to a picture generated with matplotlib.

class plot_data.core.PrimitiveGroupsContainer(primitive_groups: List[PrimitiveGroup], sizes: List[Tuple[float, float]] | None = None, coords: List[Tuple[float, float]] | None = None, associated_elements: List[int] | None = None, x_variable: str | None = None, y_variable: str | None = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

A class for drawing several PrimitiveGroups in one canvas.

  • primitive_groups (List[PrimitiveGroup]) – a list of PrimitiveGroups

  • sizes (List[Tuple[float, float]]) – [size0,…,size_n] where size_i = [width_i, length_i] is the size of primitive_groups[i]

  • coords (List[Tuple[float, float]]) – In the same way as sizes but for coordinates.

  • associated_elements – A list containing the associated elements indices. associated_elements[i] is associated

with primitive_groups[i]. It only works if this object is inside a MultiplePlots. :type associated_elements: List[int] :param x_variable: variable that you want to display on x axis :type x_variable: str :param y_variable: variable that you want to display on y axis :type y_variable: str

class plot_data.core.Rectangle(x_coord: float, y_coord: float, width: float, height: float, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, tooltip: str | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

Class to draw a rectangle.


Get 2D bounding box of current Circle2D.

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.

class plot_data.core.ReferencedObject(type_: str, reference_path: str = '#', name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

PlotData object with reference_path.

class plot_data.core.RoundRectangle(x_coord: float, y_coord: float, width: float, height: float, radius: float = 2, edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, tooltip: str | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Rectangle

Class to draw a round rectangle.

class plot_data.core.Sample(values, reference_path: str = '#', name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: ReferencedObject

Graph Point.

classmethod dict_to_object(dict_: Dict[str, Any], **_) Sample[source]#

Overwrite generic dict_to_object.

TODO Check if it can be generic (probably)

plot_data(reference_path: str = '#', **kwargs)[source]#

Base plot_data method. Overwrite this to display 2D or graphs on platform.

Should return a list of plot_data’s objects.

to_dict(use_pointers: bool = True, memo=None, path: str = '#', id_method=True, id_memo=None) Dict[str, Any][source]#

Overwrite generic to_dict.

TODO Check if it can be generic (probably)

class plot_data.core.Scatter(x_variable: str | None = None, y_variable: str | None = None, tooltip: Tooltip | None = None, point_style: PointStyle | None = None, elements: List[Sample] | None = None, points_sets: List[PointFamily] | None = None, axis: Axis | None = None, log_scale_x: bool | None = None, log_scale_y: bool | None = None, heatmap: Heatmap | None = None, heatmap_view: bool | None = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

A class for drawing scatter plots.

  • elements – A list of vectors. Vectors must have the same attributes (ie the same keys)

  • x_variable – variable that you want to display on x axis

  • y_variable – variable that you want to display on y axis

  • tooltip – an object containing all information needed for drawing tooltips

  • point_style – for points’ customization

  • axis – an object containing all information needed for drawing axis

  • log_scale_x – True or False

  • log_scale_y – True or False

  • heatmap – Heatmap view settings

  • heatmap_view – Heatmap view when loading the object. If set to False, you’d still be able to enable it using the button.

class plot_data.core.ScatterMatrix(elements: List[Sample] | None = None, axes: List[str] | None = None, point_style: PointStyle | None = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, width: int = 750, height: int = 400, axis_on: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Figure

ScatterMatrix of a list of Samples.

class plot_data.core.Shape(type_: str, reference_path: str = '#', tooltip: str | None = None, interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: ReferencedObject

Shape object.

class plot_data.core.SurfaceStyle(color_fill: str | None = None, opacity: float = 1.0, hatching: HatchingSet | None = None, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

A class for customizing surfaces.

  • color_fill (str) – fill color

  • opacity (float) – from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque).

  • hatching (HatchingSet) – for setting hatchings

classmethod dict_to_object(dict_, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Overwrite generic dict_to_object.


Get matplotlib equivalent values of attributes.

class plot_data.core.Text(comment: str, position_x: float, position_y: float, text_style: TextStyle | None = None, text_scaling: bool | None = None, max_width: float | None = None, height: float | None = None, multi_lines: bool = True, reference_path: str = '#', tooltip: str | None = None, interactive: bool = False, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

A class for displaying texts on canvas. Text is a primitive and can be instantiated by PrimitiveGroup.

  • comment (str) – the comment you want to display

  • position_x (float) – the text’s x position

  • position_y (float) – the text’s y position

  • text_style (TextStyle) – for customization (optional)

  • text_scaling (bool) – True if you want the text the be rescaled when zooming and False otherwise.

  • max_width – Set a maximum length for the text. If the text is longer than max_width, it is split into

several lines. :type max_width: float :param multi_lines: This parameter is only useful when max_width parameter is set. In that case, you can choose between squishing the text in one line or writing on multiple lines. :type multi_lines: bool

mpl_plot(ax=None, color='k', alpha=1.0, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using Matplotlib.

class plot_data.core.TextStyle(text_color: Color | None = None, font_size: float | None = None, font_style: str | None = None, text_align_x: str | None = None, text_align_y: str | None = None, bold: bool | None = None, italic: bool | None = None, angle: float | None = None, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

A class for customizing Text.

  • text_color (plot_data.colors.Colors) – the text’s color

  • font_size (float) – the font size

  • font_style (str) – ‘Arial’, ‘Verdana’, ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Courier New’, ‘serif’ or ‘sans-serif’

  • text_align_x (str) – “left”, “right”, “center”, “start” or “end”. More info on

  • text_align_y (str) – “top”, “hanging”, “middle”, “alphabetic”, “ideographic” or “bottom”. More info on

  • bold (bool)

  • italic (bool)

  • angle (float) – Text angle in degrees. The angle is clockwise.

classmethod dict_to_object(dict_, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Overwrite generic dict_to_object.

class plot_data.core.Tooltip(attributes: List[str] | None = None, text: str | None = None, surface_style: SurfaceStyle | None = None, text_style: TextStyle | None = None, tooltip_radius: float | None = None, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: PlotDataObject

A class that contains information for drawing a tooltip when clicking on points.

  • attributes (List[str]) – a list containing the attributes you want to display. Attributes must be taken from Dataset’s or Scatter’s elements.

  • surface_style (SurfaceStyle) – for customizing the tooltip’s interior

  • text_style (TextStyle) – for customizing its text

  • tooltip_radius (float) – a tooltip is rounded-rectangle-shaped. This parameter defines its corners radius.

class plot_data.core.Window(width: float, height: float, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: DessiaObject

Define a Window object.

class plot_data.core.Wire(lines: List[Tuple[float, float]], edge_style: EdgeStyle | None = None, tooltip: str | None = None, reference_path: str = '#', interactive: bool = True, name: str = '')[source]#

Bases: Shape

A set of connected lines. It also provides highlighting feature.

  • lines (List[Tuple[float, float]]) – [(x1, y1), …, (xn,yn)]

  • edge_style (EdgeStyle) – Line settings

  • tooltip (str) – a message that is displayed in a tooltip

mpl_plot(ax=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plots using matplotlib.

plot_data.core.bounding_box(plot_datas: List[PlotDataObject])[source]#

Calls input plot_datas’ bounding_box method, if it has one.


plot_datas (List[PlotDataObject]) – The target object the bounding_box method has to be called from


a bounding box

Return type:

float, float, float, float


Delete input dictionary’s keys where value is None.


Get csv vector of a VectoredObject (does not exist anymore).

Get link of plot_data package.

plot_data.core.make_filepath(filepath: str | None = None)[source]#

Build path of written html file of Figure to draw.

plot_data.core.plot_canvas(plot_data_object: Figure, filepath: str | None = None, local: bool = False, canvas_id: str = 'canvas', force_version: str | None = None, width: float | None = None, height: float | None = None)[source]#

Creates a html file and plots input data in web browser.

  • plot_data_object (PlotDataObject) – a PlotDataObject(ie Scatter, ParallelPlot, MultiplePlots, Graph2D, PrimitiveGroup or PrimitiveGroupContainer)

  • local (bool) – uses local library if True, uses typescript library from cdn if False

  • canvas_id (str) – set canvas’ id, ie name

  • width (str) – set the canvas’ width:

  • height (str) – set the canvas’ height

  • page_name (str) – set the created html file’s name

plot_data.core.plot_data_path(local: bool = False, version: str | None = None)[source]#

Get path of plot_data package to write it in html file of Figure to draw.

plot_data.core.write_json_for_tests(plot_data_object: PlotDataObject, json_path: str)[source]#

Write JSON file of data to be used in Cypress tests of Typescript module.