Histogram: draw the amount of samples in ranges of values#
A histogram is a visual representation of the distribution of quantitative data. In other words, it allows to represent the amount of samples for which a chosen attribute is contained in a range of values.
How to draw a Histogram ?#
Import the required packages
# Required packages
import random
import plot_data as pld
from plot_data.colors import BLUE, GREEN
Create data
In order to draw a Histogram of a variable sampled randomly, build a random vector of samples (stored as Python dict) with one attribute. Here we chose to build a vector of length sampled within a Gaussian distribution.
# Vector construction
elements = [{'length': random.gauss(0, 3)} for _ in range(500)]
Set styles for bars and axes
Styles for bars and axes can be customized with the user’s preferences:
# Surface Style
surface_style = pld.SurfaceStyle(color_fill=BLUE)
# Edge Style
edge_style = pld.EdgeStyle(line_width=1, color_stroke=GREEN, dashline=[5, 3])
Build the Histogram object and draw it in a web browser
When building the histogram, ticks number on x axis can be specified with the graduation_nb attribute.
histogram = pld.Histogram(x_variable='length',
Once done, the figure can be displayed with the following command line:
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=histogram, canvas_id='my_histogram')
Histogram Features#
Rubberbands can be drawn on axes by clicking and dragging on it with mouse. Rubberbands allow to select range of values on each axis,
Bars tooltips give information on how samples are distributed within a clicked bar,
The view can be adjusted with mouse interactions (click, drag and wheel),
One can select several bars with several mouse click by keeping pressed Ctrl key,
One can reset the view by pressing Ctrl + Space,
One can reset the whole figure by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Left Click.
How to write a method to draw a Histogram in a DessiaObject ?#
For the previously designed PendulumDOE ([section 2.2.2](https://www.notion.so/Using-data-display-with-PlotData-30f86e58db6240788cf4f3b543b0ae51?pvs=21)), an interesting plot may be to draw the distribution of pendulums speeds within the previously designed PendulumDOE class.
To do it, add a method to draw a Histogram to the PendulumDOE class:
class PendulumDOE(Dataset):
def histogram(self, reference_path: str = "#"):
elements = [{"speed": pendulum.max_speed} for pendulum in self.dessia_objects]
return pld.Histogram(x_variable="speed", elements=elements, graduation_nb=20)
And draw the Histogram with the function plot_canvas:
# Parameters sampling definition
planet_sampling = BoundedAttributeValue('g', 1, 11, 10)
length_sampling = BoundedAttributeValue('length', 0.1, 3, 10)
# DOE instantiation
pendulum_doe = PendulumDOE.from_boundaries(planet_sampling, length_sampling, 10, 0.01, method = 'fullfact')
# Parallel Plot construction
histogram = pendulum_doe.histogram()
# Draw the figure in a web browser
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=histogram, filepath="section_2_5_2_histogram")