Graph2D: draw curves on a Figure#
With Graph2D, time series or any curve function that can be written y = f(x) can be displayed on a figure with axes such as x values are drawn on x axis and y values are drawn on y axis, in an orthogonal frame.
How to draw a curve in a Graph2D ?#
Import the required packages
# Required packages
import math
import plot_data.core as pld
from plot_data.colors import BLUE, DARK_BLUE, RED, BLACK
Create Data
In order to display a Graph2D, create a vector of x values and their associated y values.
Values then have to be added in a list of samples, where each sample is a dict which keys are names of samples’ features.
Here, we create a sinusoidal function.
# Inputs
amplitude = 2
n_samples = 50
x_name = "angle"
y_name = "amplitude"
# Vectors creation
X = [i / (2 * math.pi) for i in range(n_samples)]
Y = [amplitude * math.sin(i) for i in X]
# Build PlotData vector of samples
samples = []
for k in range(len(X)):
samples.append({x_name: X[k], y_name: Y[k]})
# Create the dataset
dataset = pld.Dataset(elements=samples, name='y = A.sin(x)',)
Add meta-data on samples
Some additional information can be added on data thanks to tooltips, that can be displayed by clicking on the shape that carries the designed tootlip.
Here, the tooltip is directly created as an independent object that will be used in next steps, while creating the figure to draw the previously built data.
# Attributes to show in tooltip
shown_attributes = [x_name, y_name]
# Tooltip creation
tooltip = pld.Tooltip(attributes=shown_attributes)
Set styles for points, curves and axes
Styles for points, curves and axes can be customized with the user’s preferences.
# Points style
point_style = pld.PointStyle(color_fill=RED, color_stroke=BLACK)
# Curves style
edge_style = pld.EdgeStyle(color_stroke=BLUE, dashline=[10, 5])
# Dataset style
custom_dataset = pld.Dataset(
name='y = A.sin(x)',
# Axis style
## Text style
graduation_style = pld.TextStyle(
## Axis edge style
axis_style = pld.EdgeStyle(
# Axes ticks number and styles
axis = pld.Axis(
Create the Graph2D object and draw it in a web browser
graph2d = pld.Graph2D(
Once done, the figure can be displayed with the following command line :
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=graph2d, canvas_id='my_graph2d')
Graph2D features#
Points used to build the curve can be displayed by clicking on Show Points button,
The figure can be scaled with mouse wheel or by clicking on Zoom Box, Zoom+ and Zoom- buttons,
Curves can be displayed with log scales by clicking on Log Scale button,
One can select points with a selection window by keeping pressed the Shift key,
One can select several points with several mouse click by keeping pressed Ctrl key,
One can reset the view by pressing Ctrl + Space,
One can reset the whole figure by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Left Click.
How to add a method to draw a Graph2D within a DessiaObject ?#
A Graph2D (or any kind of figure that can be drawn with PlotData) can be added to any DessiaObject to depict its behavior.
In the following example, a free pendulum with no friction as been designed as a DessiaObject.
Firstly, import all the required packages.
import math
import numpy as npy
from dessia_common.core import DessiaObject
from dessia_common.decorators import plot_data_view
import plot_data.core as pld
from plot_data.colors import Color
Then create a pendulum object with no friction. Required attributes to get the pendulum movement are its initial angle, its length, its mass and the gravity acceleration constant (declared as a variable g). duration and time_step have been added to simulate the pendulum over time.
In order to get the pendulum state evolving with time, a method to compute its angle over time and a method to compute its Cartesian coordinates (coords) over time have also been added.
class Pendulum(DessiaObject):
_standalone_in_db = True
def __init__(self, init_angle: float, length: float, g: float,
duration: float, time_step: float, name: str = ''):
self.length = length
self.g = g
self.duration = duration
self.time_step = time_step
self.init_angle = init_angle
self.period = self._compute_period(length)
self.time = self._get_time_vector(duration, time_step)
self.angle = self._compute_angle()
self.coords = self._compute_coords()
def _compute_period(self, length: float):
return (self.g / length) ** 0.5
def _get_time_vector(self, duration: float, time_step: float):
return npy.arange(0, duration + time_step, time_step).tolist()
def _compute_angle(self):
return [self.init_angle * math.cos(self.period * t) for t in self.time]
def _compute_coords(self):
return [
[self.length * math.sin(angle), self.length * (1 - math.cos(angle))]
for angle in self.angle
To plot the pendulum state variables over time, write methods with @plot_data_view decorator for platform usages. Each of the written method defines a Graph2D to draw data of interest.
# To add to Pendulum class
def angle_vs_time(self, reference_path: str = "#"):
elements = [
{"time": t, "angle": angle}
for t, angle in zip(self.time, self.angle)
dataset = pld.Dataset(elements, name="angle vs time")
graphs2d = pld.Graph2D(
return graphs2d
def x_vs_time(self, reference_path: str = "#"):
elements = [
{"time": t, "x": coord[0]}
for t, coord in zip(self.time, self.coords)
dataset = pld.Dataset(elements, name="x vs time")
graphs2d = pld.Graph2D(
return graphs2d
def y_vs_time(self, reference_path: str = "#"):
elements = [
{"time": t, "y": coord[1]}
for t, coord in zip(self.time, self.coords)
dataset = pld.Dataset(elements, name="y vs time")
graphs2d = pld.Graph2D(
return graphs2d
def y_vs_x(self, reference_path: str = "#"):
elements = [{"x": x, "y": y} for x, y in self.coords]
dataset = pld.Dataset(elements, name="y vs x")
graphs2d = pld.Graph2D(graphs=[dataset], x_variable="x", y_variable="y")
return graphs2d
In these methods, a vector of elements is firstly created and added to a Dataset. It is then declared as the only dataset drawn in a Graph2D object that plots x_variable against y_variable of vector elements.
The results of graph drawings are available on the next 4 html pages in the present document. They have generated with the following code:
# Instantiate a pendulum
pendulum = Pendulum(math.pi / 3, 1, 9.81, 10, 0.01)
# Draw its graphs with specific files name
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=pendulum.angle_vs_time(), canvas_id='my_graph2d', filepath="section2_1_2_angle_time")
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=pendulum.x_vs_time(), canvas_id='my_graph2d', filepath="section2_1_2_x_time")
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=pendulum.y_vs_time(), canvas_id='my_graph2d', filepath="section2_1_2_y_time")
pld.plot_canvas(plot_data_object=pendulum.y_vs_x(), canvas_id='my_graph2d', filepath="section2_1_2_x_y")